Basic Game

Difficulty level


Number of players


Players age

6 years +

What you'll need for the game

Mattrack System

Change your mats into a game board. The more mats, the more interesting and longer the gameplay will be.


If you’ve played other board games before, you probably have it at home. Can’t find it? Print the dice by clicking on this link.

Your Favorite Cars

Use your favorite toy cars as game pieces.

Additional Content

To make the game more exciting, you can use our stickers, printed buildings, road infrastructure, and blocks.

Hi driver-racer! 
Welcome to an exciting adventure through the streets of our Mattrack City. Your goal is to reach the designated destination first, but beware – various adventures may await you on the road!

Game Setup

Lay out the mats in a random configuration, add signs, stickers, buildings, and other infrastructure elements as you like.

Choose your favorite car and park it in the parking lot. Other players should park in the same lot. You can have as many players as you want in the game. Connect your mats so there’s enough room for everyone. Make sure the mats are labeled or marked with stickers to remember which mat belongs to each player. You can also play solo to practice your skills.

Choose a destination away from your parking lot. This will be your goal. It could be another parking lot where you’ll place a store, workshop, or police station. Build the buildings using construction blocks, buy a ready-made model on our website, or print one completely for free using the link provided.

Roll the dice to determine who starts. The player with the highest roll goes first!

Journey Through the City

Roll the dice to determine how many spaces you move forward. Enjoy the cityscape, but don’t forget to pay attention to the road signs!

Each movement space represents various road markings. If you’re in a space without any markings, point to the spot on the mat where your front wheel is located, then move your car so that it lines up with that spot.


You can drive through the crosswalk, but you can’t stop on it. If you pass through, remember to be extra careful not to hit pedestrians. If the number of dice rolled causes you to stop on the crosswalk, you must move back one space. Remember, the crosswalk is for pedestrians, not cars!

Solid Line

When passing through a solid line, you need to make 3 or more movements. A solid line also means no overtaking. Even if the dice roll leads you further than a player in your path, you cannot overtake them until they reach a dashed line. Sometimes this can cause traffic jams – it happens in the city!

Traffic Light Intersection

If you’re just passing through, roll the dice again. If you roll a 3 or more, you can continue your previous movement. If you roll a 1 or 2, it means the light has turned red. Stop, and in the next turn, roll the dice to see what the light will be.

If you roll a 1 or 2 – the red light is still on. If you roll a 3 or 4 – it means the light has turned yellow. Move forward the number of spaces indicated by the dice roll. If you roll a 5 or 6 – it means the light is green. Move forward the number of spaces indicated by the dice roll plus one.

Sharp Turn

If you roll a 6 while on a turn, it means you’re driving too fast – that’s dangerous! Roll the dice again:

If you roll a 1 or 2 – you skid out, move back the number of spaces rolled on the dice. If you roll a 3 or more – continue driving, but remember to take the turns more slowly.

Sign: No Overtaking 

It can be vertical as a toy, which you can order from the affiliate link, or horizontal as a sticker, which you can order from the link provided. This sign also means you can’t overtake other players. The sign will be removed at the next intersection. An intersection is where two or more roads meet. It’s a place where you can go in more than one direction.

Sign: Speed Limit 

It can be vertical as a toy, which you can order from the affiliate link, or horizontal as a sticker, which you can order from the link provided. If the speed limit is 30 mph (or km/h), it means you can only move 3 spaces to the nearest intersection, even if the dice roll is higher. If the limit is 50, you can move up to 5 spaces, and so on.

Car Breakdown

If you roll two consecutive 1s in your turns, roll the dice again: If you roll a 1 or 2 – your car breaks down, and you lose a turn. If you roll a 3 or 4 – nothing happens. If you roll a 5 or 6 – add 2 to your next dice roll.


Remember, your goal is to reach the designated destination first. Enjoy the journey and good luck on the road! That’s it! Now you can start your amazing journey through Mattrack City. We hope every moment of the game brings you lots of joy and laughter! 


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